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Ottawa 2024
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Julie Gustavs

Manager, Education Development and Projects - Australian Medical Council

Professional Bio

Julie Gustavs works as Manager, Education Development and Projects at the Australian Medical Council (AMC), the standards setting body for the continuum of medical education in Australia. She is the lead educationalist at the AMC on staff supporting accreditation and assessment practices to be underpinned by sound educational principles and methods. In 2020-2021 she project managed the AMC partnership project to build a capability framework in digital health in medicine with the Australian Digital Health Agency. Other senior roles in health which she has held include Consultant, Quality and Standards at the World Health Organisation (WHO) establishing the WHO Academy, Geneva, Switzerland; senior roles in education in Australian specialist medical colleges, the Commonwealth government and universities. She is committed to co-design methods and the adoption of holistic approaches to educational design and implementation. Her work experience is underpinned by sound research and academic qualifications. She completed her PhD exploring the concept of truth management in terms of changing nature of professional and academic knowledge. She also holds two Masters Degrees in Education – in Social and Policy Studies and Information Technology. She has published book chapters and journal articles on her research interests, which include education, organisation studies and medical education and has presented at both national and international conferences.

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