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Arunee Tipwong1
Parinya Chamnan2
1 Surat Thani Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital, Thailand
2 Sunphasitthiprasong Medical Education Center, Sunphasitthiprasong Hospital, Thailand
Parinya Chamnan2
1 Surat Thani Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital, Thailand
2 Sunphasitthiprasong Medical Education Center, Sunphasitthiprasong Hospital, Thailand
Clinician teachers need multifacet teaching capabilities to help learners achieve good learning outcomes. A previous study found positive association between clinical teaching self-efficacy and professional fulfilment in clinician teachers. This study aimed to further explore how different domains of teacher competency are associated with professional fulfilment.
Clinician teachers need multifacet teaching capabilities to help learners achieve good learning outcomes. A previous study found positive association between clinical teaching self-efficacy and professional fulfilment in clinician teachers. This study aimed to further explore how different domains of teacher competency are associated with professional fulfilment.
Summary of works:
We conducted secondary data analysis from a previous survey study among Thai clinician teachers who work in Medical Education Centers. Maastricht Clinical Teacher Questionnaire was used to assess teaching competency. Domains of clinical teaching competency: articulation, exploration, coaching and role-modelling, were calculated in the mean score. The Professional Fulfilment Index Scale was used to measure professional fulfilment and determined at a cut-off point mean score of 3. Descriptive and analytic statistics were used.
Summary of result:
Among 227 respondents, 67.8% were female, and the mean teaching experience was 10.6 years (SD=6.4). The clinical teachers reported 20% of professional fulfillment. Logistic regression showed competency in exploration (OR=3.75, 95%CI 1.75-8.02) and articulation (OR=3.64, 95%CI 1.72-7.71) had higher predictive power of professional fulfillment over coaching (OR=2.63, 95%CI 1.25-5.58) and role-modelling (OR=2.32, 95%CI 1.17-4.60).
Discussion and conclusion:
Four domains of clinical teaching competency: exploration, articulation, coaching, and role- modelling can promote professional fulfillment in clinician teachers. Basic teaching skills, exploration and articulation, showed higher predictive power on professional fulfillment than
coaching and role-modeling. Although role-modelling and coaching are important for teaching medicine, basic pedagogy like articulation and exploration are fundamental in teaching skill development. It ensures clinician teachers of self-confidence in knowledge transferring, which consequently promotes positive psychological well-being. Therefore, a faculty development program for clinician teachers that provide an assessment of teaching competency and useful feedback to enhance teaching skills may help increase their professional fulfillment.
Take home message:
Basic pedagogy is vital and assessing teaching skills can help promote clinician teacher’s professional fulfillment.
References (maximum three)
Tipwong A. Exploring Internal and External Contributors to Mental Health
among Thai Physicians in Clinical Teaching Contexts. eScholarship@McGill: McGill University; 2022.
Bajwa NM, De Grasset J, Audétat M-C, et al. Training junior faculty to become clinical teachers: The value of personalized coaching. Medical Teacher. 2020;42(6):663-672.
Trockel M, Bohman B, Lesure E, et al. A Brief Instrument to Assess Both Burnout and Professional Fulfillment in Physicians: Reliability and Validity, Including Correlation with Self-Reported Medical Errors, in a Sample of Resident and Practicing Physicians. Academic Psychiatry. 2018;42(1):11-24.