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Challenges and Opportunities: Self-Assessment of Professionalism in Medical Students at College of Medicine National University Oman.

E Poster Presentation
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ePoster Presentation

3:45 pm

28 February 2024

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Presentation Description

Nausheen Saeed, Mazin Saleh Al-Rudaini, P. J. Joseph Francis and Siddiqui Muhammad 1 WONCA World organization of Family Doctors 

Medical student teaching, learning, and evaluation are going through a paradigm shift due to the ongoing evolution of medical education. Medical students' professionalism is important for them to develop into capable and trustworthy doctors for the community. 

Summary of work 
This is a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study. Participants were selected on the basis of a convenient nonprobability sampling technique. An online questionnaire was used for Self- Assessment of professionalism in medical students. The questionnaire was pilot tested .A favorable ethical opinion was obtained from the Research Ethics Board 

A total of 199 students participated. 58% were clinical students. (91%) of the participants believe that they are aware of their responsibilities as a student and practice them. Students be certain that they are empathetic, trustworthy, and accountable for their actions (95%), know how to maintain professional relationships (92%), and are aware of ethics, patients' privacy confidentiality (95%). Nearly half of the students consider themselves role models for others (46%) and take the initiative to answer questions during sessions (49%) 

A significant difference was observed (p > 0.5) between clinical and non-clinical students' responses related to knowledge of responsibilities, awareness of ethics, patients' privacy, confidentiality, and team player skills . 

According to the literature, professionalism is a skill that calls for formal instruction. It is vitally important to evaluate performance using a variety of criteria and approaches. There are numerous ways to develop professionalism in medical students. This study reflects the need of teaching learning and assessment of professionalism in pre-clinical students. 

Honoring the values of truthfulness, and accountability is mandatory in professionalism training. 

Take-home messages / implications for further research or practice 
All medical professionals must show medical professionalism build trust with patients and the public, so, learning and assessment of professionalism should start early years of medical college. 

References (maximum three) 

Palmer, E.G., Reddy, R.K. & Laughey, W. Teaching Professionalism to Medical Students Using Dissection-Based Anatomy Education: a Practical Guide. Med.Sci.Educ. 31, 203–213 (2021). 

Hsieh JG, Kuo LC, Wang YW. Learning medical professionalism – the application of appreciative inquiry and social media. Med Educ Online. 2019;24(1). 

Firdous Jahan , Nisar Ahmad, Ikram A Burney. Teaching, learning and assessment of professionalism in medical education: A citation-based systematic review of literature. International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2023, 04(01), 006–016 
