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Constructively aligned video assessment of real-world clinical encounters in post-professional physiotherapy and podiatry

Oral Presentation
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Oral Presentation

11:30 am

28 February 2024


Assessment of clinical skills

Presentation Description

Sonya Moore1
Alex Tsirgialos1, Sia Kazantzis1 and Selina Parry1
1 University of Melbourne 

Post-professional clinical practice includes navigating uncertainty, complex clinical reasoning and decision making in different clinical situations. Knowledge acquisition does not guarantee translation into practice, calling for assessment designs which demonstrate integration of advanced clinical skills learning into real-world clinical practice. 

Summary of work
We designed a new wholly online semester-long subject, Advanced Clinical Practice, for practicing physiotherapists and podiatrists. Constructive alignment principles were used to design online learning activities matched to industry-oriented learning outcomes. Clinicians continued to practice remotely in their chosen practice context, where they videoed their own real-world clinical encounters. Clinicians then engaged in self and peer review of these videos, tutor-faculitated online discussions and a reflective professional skills portfolio. Ethics approval (University of Melbourne, ref:2023-23744-42190-1) was obtained to evaluate cohort assessment grade performance and student experience. 

All subject-completing students (n=10) demonstrated an advanced scenario-integrated skill-set repertoire in real-world clinical encounter video assessments. All subject evaluation student survey participants (n=4) agreed online tutorial discussions improved clinical video assessment preparation. Qualitatively, students valued tutor feedback and instructional guidance towards meeting assessment requirements. 

Clinical encounter video assessments required development of new digital technology guidance, including ethical conduct and rapid-response troubleshooting solutions. They provided an authentic demonstration of real-world clinical performance, in remote and context- specific practice settings, expanding accessibility and experiential opportunities. Future cohort evaluation with larger numbers will extend upon early insights, which advocate tutor engagement, instructional communication and transparent outcome expectations. Clinical video assessments will be informed by future digital capability and stakeholder voices. 

Constructively aligned clinical encounter video assessments enabled post-professional clinicians to demonstrate advanced, industry-recognized real-world clinical skills. 

Take-home messages
Constructively aligned clinical video assessments: 
  • Extend opportunities for post-professional, real-world contextualized education, including inter-professionally and internationally 
  • Offer an alternative to traditional in-person approaches 
  • Require supportive digital technology guidance and tutor engagement 
