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EPAs in the new world of Australian prevocational training.

Conference Workshop
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Conference Workshop

12:00 pm

27 February 2024


EPAs for effective assessment

Presentation Description

Katrina Anderson1,2
Brendan Crotty1, Georga Cooke1,3, Nicholas Glasgow1,2, Jo Burnand1,4 and Madeleine Novak1
1 Australian Medical Council
2 Canberra Region Medical Education Council
3 Queensland Health
4 Health Education and Training institute NSW

Training for Australian Postgraduate Year (PGY) 1 and 2 doctors will undergo substantial changes under the new National Framework for Prevocational Medical Training commencing nationally in 2024. Changes to the prevocational outcomes, to the training environment and a strengthened assessment process will enhance and improve the prevocational doctors’ experience. As part of this new approach prevocational doctors will be assessed on four Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) that describe the essential work of PGY1 and PGY2 doctors. EPAs prioritise clinical experience as a critical part of prevocational training. Assessment of EPAs will increase structured opportunities for observation, feedback and learning and inform global judgements at the end of terms/years. 

This workshop is an opportunity for medical educators and those involved in clinical supervision to understand the concepts underpinning EPAs and how EPAs will contribute to the new prevocational framework. This workshop will explore the following key elements in relation to EPAs in the prevocational space: 

  • the language and concepts around entrustability for prevocational doctors. 

  • how EPAs feed into the overall longitudinal assessment process across a two-year training experience. 

  • the four EPAs and how they relate to the essential work of prevocational doctors. 

  • the benefits and challenges of implementing EPAs in the busy world of hospital and community medicine. 

During this workshop we will introduce the EPAs and then use video examples to allow participants to explore the concepts, consider how EPA feedback conversations may unfold and generate discussion in small groups about implementation strengths and challenges. 

This workshop is for medical educators, clinical educators and supervisors, education leaders, and those involved in longitudinal workplace-based assessment. 

References (maximum three) 

Training and assessment requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs. Australian Medical Council Ltd. 2023: 
