Presentation Description
David Kok1,2,3
Kristie Matthews2, Steve Trumble3 and Caroline Wright2
1 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
2 Monash University
3 University of Melbourne
Kristie Matthews2, Steve Trumble3 and Caroline Wright2
1 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
2 Monash University
3 University of Melbourne
Assessment tasks in Health Professional Education (HPE) require periodic renewal to stay contemporary. This is particularly true in recent years with the educational landscape seeing notable advances in pedagogical theory, educational technology and the influence of Covid- 19. However, there is little data about current renewal rates, renewal practices and the effectiveness of these practices.
Assessment tasks in Health Professional Education (HPE) require periodic renewal to stay contemporary. This is particularly true in recent years with the educational landscape seeing notable advances in pedagogical theory, educational technology and the influence of Covid- 19. However, there is little data about current renewal rates, renewal practices and the effectiveness of these practices.
Research Question(s)
1. a) How regularly are HPE Educators performing assessment renewal? b) To what degree are assessments being modified in these assessment renewals?
2. What processes are HPE educators currently utilising when performing assessment renewal? 3. What changes to these processes may improve HPE assessment renewal practices?
Thesis methodology
1. Review of all Australian postgraduate HPE teaching qualifications from 2018 onwards. Assessments were compared between 2018 and 2023, differences quantified, pedagogical drivers for change identified, and trends in practice analysed.
Thesis methodology
1. Review of all Australian postgraduate HPE teaching qualifications from 2018 onwards. Assessments were compared between 2018 and 2023, differences quantified, pedagogical drivers for change identified, and trends in practice analysed.
2. Mixed methods. A) Survey of HPE educators on the processes of curriculum renewal they have utilised. B) targeted interviews of selected HPE educators to deep-dive into these processes. C) Perform process mapping and trend identification from these results.
3. Method TBD depending on results of Q2.
Findings so far
Q1: (Complete – abstract submitted to this conference!)
421 assessments from 77 subjects were reviewed. Significant changes in assessment practice occurred in Australian HPE teaching courses with 48.5% of subjects undergoing assessment changes between 2018 and 2023. Significant drivers of assessment change included adaptations to online assessment and evolutions in assessment philosophy.
421 assessments from 77 subjects were reviewed. Significant changes in assessment practice occurred in Australian HPE teaching courses with 48.5% of subjects undergoing assessment changes between 2018 and 2023. Significant drivers of assessment change included adaptations to online assessment and evolutions in assessment philosophy.
Questions for discussion with participants
Currently refining methodology around Q2:
Currently refining methodology around Q2:
What section of HPE educators should be targeted for this project (Australian only? Medical educators?)
Is the current mixed methods proposal the optimal way of mapping current renewal processes? (and what Qs should be asked in this?)
Discussion of best methodology to answer research Q3 Supervisor will be in attendance
References (maximum three)
Cox, M., Cox, M., & Irby, D. M. (2007). Assessment in Medical Education. The New England Journal of Medicine, 356(4), 387–396.
Eraky, M. A. (2021). Evolving trends for assessment in the new norm of medical education. South‐East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 15, 3.
Harris, P., Bhanji, F., Topps, M., Ross, S., Lieberman, S. A., Jason R. Frank, Frank, J. R., Linda Snell, Snell, L., & Sherbino, J. (2017). Evolving concepts of assessment in a competency-based world. Medical Teacher, 39(6), 603–608.