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How to use peer evaluation in TBL as a summative assessment from student voice.

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ePoster Presentation

11:35 am

28 February 2024

Exhibition Hall (Poster 1)

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Presentation Description

Sunee Neesanun1
Krittiya Krisuwan2
1 Medical Education Center, Sawanpracharak Hospital, Thailand 
2 Internal medicine, Sawanpracharak Hospital, Thailand 

Peer evaluation used to assess teamwork in team-based learning (TBL). However, there are doubts about the reliability and fairness of using peer evaluation in TBL class. Aim of this study to find the appropriateness to used peer evaluation as summative assessment in TBL from medical students’ opinions. 

Summary of work:
After completing the TBL medical error class, all students assess their peers in the group on a scale of 1-10. Afterward, students completed an anonymous questionnaire. The answers used to evaluate the reliability and fairness of a peer evaluation in the areas of responsibility, sacrifice, leadership, participation, knowledge, and opinion to use peer evaluation as a part of summative assessment. 

Totally participants were 29 and found that the mostly concurred to use peer evaluation as a part of the summative assessment in TBL. 46.7% and 36.7% of students consider that peer evaluation should be used in a larger ratio than teacher evaluation and use only peer evaluation score in summative assessment respectively. No one agreed to use main teacher scores as summative evaluation in TBL. 70% of students agreed that peer evaluation was reliable and fair like teacher rating. 41.34% of participants regarded that peer evaluation was excellent reliable in assessing in teamwork and professional development. 46.7% of them considered that peer evaluation was excellent reliable to evaluate leadership aspects. 

Peer evaluation is reliable and fair enough to use assummative assessment inT BL especially in leadership evaluation, which cannot be evaluated from the classroom alone. Moreover, they are desirable to use the score from peer evaluation in a larger ratio than the instructor score. 

Peer evaluation is appropriate format to use as assessment in TBL. 

Take-home messages:
Peer evaluation should be a part of the summative evaluation in TBL and take precedence over instructor evaluation. 

References (maximum three) 

1. Cestone CM, Levine RE, Lane DR. Peer assessment and evaluation in team-based learning. New Dir Teach Learn [Internet]. 2008;2008(116):69–78. Available from: 

2. Lerchenfeldt S, Taylor TAH. Best practices in peer assessment: Training tomorrow’s physicians to obtain and provide quality feedback. Adv Med Educ Pract [Internet]. 2020;11:571–8. Available from: 

3. Biesma R, Kennedy M-C, Pawlikowska T, Brugha R, Conroy R, Doyle F. Peer assessment to improve medical student’s contributions to team-based projects: randomised controlled trial and qualitative follow-up. BMC Med Educ [Internet]. 2019;19(1):371. Available from: 
