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Ottawa 2024
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Maximising the Learning from Case-Based Discussions: Assessing Clinical decision-making and Identifying Biases

Pre Conference Workshop

Presentation Description

Workshop Facilitators: Dr Ruth Hew, Dr David Mai and A/Prof Victor Lee

The Case based Discussion (CbD) or chart stimulated recall, is a well described work-place based assessment (WBA) tool. In its most basic form it can be used to identify concrete knowledge gaps. Used optimally, CbDs can help tease out a learner’s clinical reasoning and decision-making, identify biases and guide further learning. This makes the CbD an important tool in the assessment toolkit. The logistics of the CbD are as follows: 2-4 cases are identified by the learner and forwarded to the assessor who then chooses one for discussion. The trainee presents a summary and synthesis of the case, the assessor probes for their clinical reasoning and the trainee can demonstrate their reflective skills, clinical decision-making and identify any potential biases. As the original documentation forms part of the assessment, the assessor can also comment on the trainee’s documentation skills. In this interactive workshop, participants will be able to explore the components that go to make up an effective learning encounter using a CbD. The workshop conveners will use facilitated small group discussions, role plays and video simulated rating and calibration exercises to engage participants in the exploration of the important components of the CbD, to illustrate how to optimise the utility of the tool and demonstrate how to use it as a tool for both learning and assessment.
