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Presentation Description
Pongthorn Jantataeme1
1 MNST Medical Education Center, Thailand
1 MNST Medical Education Center, Thailand
Advancement in technology is improving the practice of medicine globally. Advanced medical tests are widely available for medical diagnosis. However, in many rural hospitals in Thailand cannot afford to pay some medical tests. In this situation, knowledge of pathogenesis and progression of disease, history taking, and physical examination skill will help doctor to make clinical decision. However, the history taking, and physical examination skill must practice repeatedly until mastered. So, we must promote the attitude in medical students to improve their skill by practice repeatedly on their own.
Summary of work:
The participants in this study included 34 undergraduate sixth-year medical students. They are divided in two to three person per group. Group discussion about advance investigation machines and medical tests in modern clinical practice guideline and how to apply clinical decision without these tools was done. We had simulation many situations to realize the situation in rural hospital. A self-administered questionnaire regarding importance of history taking and physical examination skill, increase attitude to promoting in their skill, and limitation in diagnostic tests in rural hospital was used as a data collection instrument. Each question is rated on a 5 scale, with 5 being the highest.
The participants in this study included 34 undergraduate sixth-year medical students. They are divided in two to three person per group. Group discussion about advance investigation machines and medical tests in modern clinical practice guideline and how to apply clinical decision without these tools was done. We had simulation many situations to realize the situation in rural hospital. A self-administered questionnaire regarding importance of history taking and physical examination skill, increase attitude to promoting in their skill, and limitation in diagnostic tests in rural hospital was used as a data collection instrument. Each question is rated on a 5 scale, with 5 being the highest.
Summary of Results:
34 students completed a questionnaire. All of them gave score 5 for question important of history taking and physical examination skill. 30 students (88.2%) gave score 5 and 4 students gave score 4 for question increase attitude to promote history taking and physical examination skill. All of them gave score 4 for question limitation in diagnostic tests in rural hospital.
34 students completed a questionnaire. All of them gave score 5 for question important of history taking and physical examination skill. 30 students (88.2%) gave score 5 and 4 students gave score 4 for question increase attitude to promote history taking and physical examination skill. All of them gave score 4 for question limitation in diagnostic tests in rural hospital.
Discussion and conclusions:
Group discussion and simulation situation can promote attitude in medical student to improve their history taking and physical examination skill.
Group discussion and simulation situation can promote attitude in medical student to improve their history taking and physical examination skill.
Take-home messages:
Simulation as a tool for promoting attitude to improve history taking and physical examination skill.
Simulation as a tool for promoting attitude to improve history taking and physical examination skill.
References (maximum three)
Oyedokun A, Adeloye D, Balogun O. Clinical history-taking and physical examination in medical practice in Africa: still relevant? Croat Med J. 2016 Dec 31;57(6):605-607. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2016.57.605. PMID: 28051286; PMCID: PMC5209934.