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The assessment PROFILE: A tool to support decisions about assessment

Oral Presentation
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Ronald Harden1
Pat Lilley1
1 Medical Teacher

The assessment of students’ achievements is arguably the most important decision made in the education programme. The SPICES model has been widely used in curriculum planning (Dent 2023). The assessment PROFILE has been designed to provide a similar tool for a school to explore its assessment strategy. 

Summary of work 
The assessment PROFILE describes seven dimensions, each with a more traditional perspective of assessment as an anchor at one end and a trend or direction in which assessment is moving at the other end of the continuum (Harden & Lilley 2021). The seven dimensions are: 

Programme focused with decisions based on an analysis of evidence from different sources over time v compartmentalised, or a more traditional reductionist approach. 

Real world with valid and authentic assessment v ivory tower, with the assessment reflecting a more theoretical emphasis. 

Outcome- or competency-based with assessment mapped to the expected outcomes v content- and time-based assessment, with time required to complete a course of study fixed. 

For learning with feedback to guide further studies v of learning, with judgements made on the learner’s competence. 

Impact of assessment on the learner and their learning v no impact of assessment. Learners engaged as partners in the assessment process v learners not engaged in planning 

or implementing assessment. 

Evaluation of the assessment with quality control of the assessment process v no quality control

The school’s position on each continuum will vary, with the school being perhaps more to the left or the right. 

Take-home message 
The use of the PROFILE will help a school to evaluate and to plan their position and policies with regard to assessment, and can contribute to the formation of a consensus policy regarding assessment in the institution. 

References (maximum three) 

Dent J A (2023) The continuing use of the SPICES model in ‘SAVOURING’ curriculum development, Medical Teacher, 45:7,760-765, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2158067 

Harden R M & Lilley P M (2021) The Eight Roles of the Medical Teacher. Elsevier. 
