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Transitioning to Online Workplace Based Assessments – Adelaide Rural Clinical School eForms (ARCS eForms)

E Poster Presentation
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ePoster Presentation

4:15 pm

26 February 2024

Exhibition Hall (Poster 2)

Competency and performance-based assessments


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Presentation Description

Dayle Soong1
1 Adelaide Rural Clinical School, The University of Adelaide


Workplace Based Assessments (WBAs) such as MiniCEX, Multisource Feedback (MSF) and Direct Observation of Procedures (DOPs) have been utilised by the Adelaide Rural Clinical School (ARCS) for many years, with paper forms being used to document feedback. Students can now collect formative feedback and complete summative WBAs online during their rural placement. 

This project involved the development of a system to enable rural clinical supervisors and students to access online WBA forms at any time, in any place and on any device. A solution was designed using QR codes that link to the ‘ARCS eForm’ where supervisors can complete the relevant assessment and provide feedback in real-time. A pdf of the response data is automatically generated and copies are emailed to the student, the supervisor and the program coordinator. 

We have had 90 students use the system and have received 471 WBA responses to date. We have found that most students are using the eForm, however, we are still receiving some paper forms from some students and supervisors. 

Implementing the system required careful design of the user experience for both students and supervisors. Consideration needed to be given to ensure the ARCS eForm was easy for rural supervisors, but also that academic integrity was upheld and feedback was provided in an appropriate format. 

Transitioning to online WBAs has provided many advantages including improved accessibility, convenience, storage and retrieval, mobile compatibility, customisability, automation and better reporting capabilities. 

Take-home messages/implications for further research or practice
Technology has enabled the successful transition from paper WBAs to online WBAs. This has also led to form response data now being in an electronic format that can be more easily analysed. Further research is needed to analyse the quality and impact of the WBA feedback being generated by the ARCS eForm. 

References (maximum three) 

Lin, B., Riegels, N., Ziv, T, Wamsley, M., Sullivan, J. (2019, October 27 - 30), Use of a mobile tool linked to QR codes improves collection of formative student assessment in LICs[Conference Presentation], The Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (CLIC) Conference 2019, Vancouver, Canada. 
