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Virtual Clinical Simulation Adoption and Use by Student Nurse Education Programs During the COVID‑19 Pandemic in Taiwan

E Poster Presentation
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ePoster Presentation

4:10 pm

28 February 2024

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Presentation Description

Yu Chen Su1 


In the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic, Out of necessity, nursing education programs significantly increased their reliance on virtual simulation during the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic. as clinical site restrictions were implemented, education programs leading to student Nurse degrees increasingly relied on virtual simulation-based experiences to provide clinical training to their students. this change and the various modalities employed by student Nurses across Taiwan. 

Virtual simulation education is a teaching method that utilizes virtual reality or computer simulation technology. In nursing education, virtual simulation education provides students with an experience closely resembling real clinical situations, aiming to cultivate their clinical judgment, skills. 

This teaching has become particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, as students have been unable to participate in traditional in-person clinical placements. Virtual simulation education has an effective alternative, ensuring nursing students still receive a high-quality learning experience and enhancing their preparedness for future clinical practicum. 

In Taiwan, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still a concern, and many parents worry about their children getting infected during hospital internships. Hospitals are also concerned about the potential spread of the virus to the community. As a solution, a three-week clinical internship program has been implemented, with the first two weeks focusing on clinical nursing technique education in the school's experimental classrooms. The final week is spent in hospitals for practical training, thereby reducing the chances of exposure to potential sources of infection. This arrangement provides reassurance to both students' parents and the hospitals. 

Satisfaction assessments were conducted to evaluate the results of this approach, and it received positive feedback from students, parents, and hospitals. The implementation of this learning approach demonstrated that prior simulated practice enhances memory and skills, ultimately leading to better learning outcomes for the students. 

References (maximum three) 

Aebersold M. Simulation-based learning: No longer a novelty in undergraduate education. OJIN: The. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 2018;23(2) doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No02PPT39. 

Benner P. Finding online clinical replacement solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educating Nurses. 2020, March 19 

Khwaja K, Deban M, Iqbal S, et al. The McGill simulation complexity Score (MSCS): a novel complexity scoring system for simulations in trauma. Can J Surg 2023;66:E206-11. 
