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When is entrustment achieved in a pre-registrant pharmacist training program?

Oral Presentation
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Oral Presentation

4:15 pm

27 February 2024


EPAs: Theoretical aspects

Presentation Description

Natalie Protuder1
Simmie Chung2, Josephine Crockett3, Ben Emery4, Nanette Cawcutt5 and Steven Walker4
2 The University of Sydney
3 University of South Australia
4 Monash University
5 The University of Queensland

Australian pre-registrant pharmacists (interns) are required to complete a year-long practice period directly supervised by a registered pharmacist (preceptor) in either a hospital or community setting[1]. In 2023, Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), including dispensing, compounding and counselling, were introduced to facilitate intern assessment. Preceptors use Short Practice Observations (SPOs) to make entrustment decisions on an intern’s readiness for independent practice[2]. 

Summary of work:
Preceptors report the number of SPOs completed and assign an entrustment level for each EPA at 13-weeks, 26-weeks and conclusion of the program. The aim was to determine the proportion of interns entrusted to perform each EPA independently (Level 4) at 13-weeks. 

In 2023, 13-week preceptor assessments for 251 interns (53% community; 47% hospital) were evaluated. A percentage of interns were entrusted at Level 4 for dispensing (42%), compounding (28%) and counselling (36%). For the dispensing EPA, 49% of community internsattainedLevel4afterameannumberof4SPOs(SD=2.3) comparedto34%ofhospital interns (p=0.02) after 3 SPOs (SD=2.0). For compounding, 36% of community interns attained Level 4 after an average of 3 SPOs(SD=2.0) compared to 20% of hospital interns (p=<0.001) after 4 SPOs (SD=1.8). For counselling, 41% of community interns attained Level 4 after 4 SPOs (SD=2.1) compared to 30% of hospital interns (p=0.36) after 3 SPOs (SD=1.6) . 

A percentage of interns were entrusted by preceptors to dispense, counsel, and compound independently at 13-weeks and this was in part influenced by practice setting. 

Results suggest that preceptors are prepared to entrust interns to perform certain pharmacy tasks within 13-weeks but further research is required. 

Take-home messages/implications for further research/practice: 
EPA assessment could have significant implications for supervision models during pharmacy intern training. Care must be taken to investigate the validity of preceptor entrustment decisions in this context. 

References (maximum three) 

  1. Registration Standard: Supervised practice arrangements. Pharmacy Board of Australia; 2015. Accessed July 28, 2023. 

  2. APC. Entrustable Professional Activities. Australian Pharmacy Council. 2023. Accessed July 28, 2023. tools/?subject=Dispensing%20EPA 
