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Presentation Description
Melanie Fentoullis1
Megan Kalucy1, Amanda Burdett1 and John Booth1
Megan Kalucy1, Amanda Burdett1 and John Booth1
Increasingly, cutting-edge health care requires multidisciplinary team-based care, with ever more sophisticated teamwork and communication skills needed, to enhance and deliver safe high-quality patient care. Globally, there have been repeated calls for wider-scale implementation of IPL across education and clinical settings[i].
In 2021 we designed a program bringing together UNSW’s exercise physiology and medical students to learn in clinical teams within a simulated workplace “Tele-hospital” (Microsoft Teams platform). Asynchronous online activities prepared students to:
- engage in effective peer feedback discussions
- apply discipline specific standards promoting structured, safe and effective communication of patient clinical information
- identify the roles and scope of practice of health professionals within healthcare.
Students engaged in facilitated interdisciplinary peer group discussion through online workshops or as self-directed group sessions within the ‘Tele-hospital’.
Modelling authentic real world clinical practice, the medical students review a patient medical record and write a referral to their exercise physiology student peers regarding their patient’s care. Similarly, the exercise physiology students receive this referral and determine if it is within their scope of practice. The exercise physiology students then review this patient’s assessment and generate a report to the referrer, in which they communicate which aspects of the patient’s care were addressed in response to the referral and those which are outside their scope of practice.
The provision of immediate actionable feedback is facilitated through guided assessment forms (rubric) enabling students to evaluate one another’s professional written communication. Through guided reflection on the peer feedback received, students authentically enhance their understanding of the diverse roles, and thus appropriate engagement with, the various professionals in our healthcare teams.
Our program can be readily adapted to other disciplines, health professional training programs, and healthcare workplaces that value and recognise the importance of enhanced teamwork and communication skills to enable multidisciplinary teams to deliver safe high-quality patient care.
References (maximum three)
[i] Reeves S., Fletcher S., Barr H., Birch I., Boet S., Davies N., McFadyen A., Rivera J, & Kitto S. (2016) A BEME systematic review of the effects of interprofessional education (update). BEME Guide No 39. Medical Teacher 38.7