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Building competence of health care providers using Sim Capture platform- Evidence from Simulation in Pediatrics and Neonatology team (SPAN-T) trainings in India

E Poster Presentation
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ePoster Presentation

2:35 pm

26 February 2024

Exhibition Hall (Poster 1)

Assessment for postgraduate, surgical education and CPD


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Presentation Description

Ruchi Sharma1
GV Rashmi Aradhya1, Swati Sethi1, Princy Fernando1 and Arun Samuel Devadass1
1 Laerdal Medical India

COVID outbreak diminished the traditional opportunities for training of health professionals. There was need to adapt conventional healthcare simulationbased training into distance learning modalities. Virtual simulation training - SPAN-T was designed using Sim Capture (SC) Platform for training healthcare professionals on management of Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies 

To test efficacy of using virtual platform in building competence of health professionals 

SC is a unique digital platform for recording, annotating, debriefing, and reportingofskillspractice,OSCEsandsimulation. FordeliveryofSPANT,oneweektraining program was developed.The selected pediatric/neonatal scenarios were recorded with experts and used for training. Participants attempted pre-test & went through knowledge material. They watched the pre-recorded scenario videos and annotated and reflected on them using SC. From gathered data, experts prepared Plus Delta Plus Chart. Faculty and participants came together for virtual debriefing. Post debriefing, participants attempted post-test and feedback. 

sixteen trainings were delivered with 232 participants from 219 hospitals in 87 cities of India. Comparison between pre- post results of scenarios showed positive gains ranging between 20%(for Asthma) to 65%(OP poisoning). Verbatim responses highlighted that they felt engaged during discussion and had learning points to apply in clinical settings. Participants reported gain in confidence in managing case scenarios discussed during the training. They found SC user friendly and interesting to navigate. The concept of using innovative method to deliver high quality simulation was well appreciated. 


The use of SC has facilitated in delivering the virtual simulation trainings effectively and generated robust data base as evidence for efficacy of virtual trainings. SC can positively catalyze teaching, evaluating and mentoring participants in gaining and maintaining knowledge and skills. Also, virtual simulation trainings have proved to be equally effective in transfer of learning and have potential for wide and far reach audience. 

References (maximum three) 

Judy L. LeFlore, Debra A. Sansoucie, Carolyn L. Cason, Amy Aaron, Patricia E. Thomas, Mindi Anderson, Remote-Controlled Distance Simulation Assessing Neonatal Provider Competence: A Feasibility Testing, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, Volume 10, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 419-424, ISSN 1876-1399, ( 

Gaba, David M. MD The Future Vision of Simulation in Healthcare, Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare: July 2007 - Volume 2 - Issue 2 - p 126-135 doi: 10.1097/01.SIH.0000258411.38212.32 

Yang, T., Buck, S., Evans, L., & Auerbach, M. (2020). A Telesimulation Elective to Provide Medical Students with Pediatric Patient Care Experiences During the COVID Pandemic. Pediatric emergency care, 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002311. Advance online publication. 
