Presentation Description
Laura Culver Edgar1
Raghdah Al Bualy2, Fremen Chihchen Chou3 and James Kwan4
2 Oman Medical Specialty Board
3 China Medical University Hospital
4 Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Raghdah Al Bualy2, Fremen Chihchen Chou3 and James Kwan4
2 Oman Medical Specialty Board
3 China Medical University Hospital
4 Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Clinician Educators are essential to all learners across the continuum of medical education. The scope and breadth of the field has grown exponentially over the last few decades across multiple domains, resulting in limited guidance for professional development for the practicing Clinician Educator. Representatives from undergraduate medical education, post graduate medical education, and continuing professional development developed a novel series of competencies and Milestones for the Clinician Educator, using the same professional developmentally based competency framework applied in all post graduate medical education programs in the United States. Whether new to the role or a seasoned educator, these Milestones provide a developmental pathway for professional development of a clinician educator. They also serve as a natural foundation for faculty development.
Why this is important
The importance of the Clinician Educator role in delivery of medical education and patient care is well-recognized. There is, however, no formal mechanism to identify when a faculty member has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (i.e., competencies) to be successful as an educator. The Milestones were developed as a response to this need.
Workshop format
In this session, we will describe the Clinician Educator competencies, Milestones, and supplemental materials that support implementation. Participants will perform a self- assessment for three of the subcompetencies (assessment, feedback, and reflective practice) and discuss professional development activities and creation of a learning plan to help them achieve higher levels of proficiency on the Milestones. Next, the session will identify frameworks for personal professional development and offer a framework for faculty development with discussion on implementation strategies across the continuum of medical education. Finally, the session will enable participants to create their own “commitment to action”.
- Introduction and background
- Small group discussion: What does it mean to be a competent clinician educator? Report out
- Present Milestones and Supplemental Guide
- Self-assessment and Learning Plan by participants, with Report out
- Share frameworks for professional development and faculty development
- Small group discussion: How could you use these Milestones for personal professional development and faculty development programs. Report out
- Small group discussion: What has your program/institution done to train clinician educators in their work as an educator? What is needed? Report Out
- Commit to Action
- Q&A
Who should participate?
Clinician educators and faculty development leaders from across the continuum of medical education
Level of workshop
Take-home messages
Most clinician educators lack access to faculty development that supports professional development as an educator. The Clinician Educator Milestones will allow individual clinician educators to self-assess their abilities across 20 subcompetencies and make a learning plan for improvement.
These Milestones can provide a framework for institutions, programs, and schools to support development and assessment of teaching, scholarship, and leadership, while providing opportunities for educators’ lifelong learning and growth.
References (maximum three)
Heath JK, Murayi JO, Edgar L, Shah BJ. Training Generations of Clinician Educators: Applying the Novel Clinician Educator Milestones to Faculty Development. Gastroenterology. 2023 Mar;164(3):325-328.e1. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.12.003.
Sherbino J, Frank JR, Snell L. Defining the key roles and competencies of the clinician- educator of the 21st century: a national mixed-methods study. Acad Med 2014;89(5):783-9.
3. Clinician Educator Milestones: educator-milestones/