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E-portfolio as a validated tool for assessment of bioethics education

Oral Presentation
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Presentation Description

Mary Mathew1
Russell DSOUZA2, Dr. Princy Louis Palatty3 and Krishna Mohan Surapaneni4
1 Kasturba Medical College
2 International Chair/ UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
3 Amrita School of Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
4 Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute 

Bioethics encompasses various disciplines like ethics, medicine, research, and law. It serves as a moral compass for physicians, researchers, and lawmakers. A deep understanding of bioethics principles is mandatory for the effective functioning and delivery of healthcare services. Bioethics training begins from the commencement of any professional healthcare course. The current age records immense technological advances. Using technology to monitor and assess the progress of bioethics education-related competencies being achieved. The electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) is a collection of the student's work, highlighting a student’s learning progress. It is a demonstration of their achievement and evidence of the body of their bioethics education during the period of study. This includes text-based essays, recordings of demonstrations, presentations, and interviews. Assessment of bioethics is a challenge due to the multiple domains of competencies that are to be assessed. In the ePortfolio, the students select their representative work, reflect, and introspect on what they have internalized and, in the process, arrive at conclusions that they have derived from their bioethics education interwoven with experience. The purpose of an e-portfolio is to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of bioethics education and the student’s achievement, which can be tracked, and their progress evaluated. This enables maintaining a progress graph of each student, which can be assessed. 150 students, each from first, and second-year batches of medical undergraduates took part in the evaluation using e-portfolio as an assessment tool in bioethics education. This presentation will discuss the evaluation of the e-portfolio used for formative assessment of bioethics competencies gained in the affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains. The results offered evidence of their performance, highlighting their progress towards attaining the learning objectives. 

References (maximum three) 

Banta, T. W. (2003). Introduction: Why portfolios? Porfolio assessment: Uses, cases, scoring, and impact. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 

Paulson, P. R., & Paulson F. L. (1991, March). Portfolios: Stories of knowing. Paper presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Claremont Reading Conference (No. ED377209). 

Baghbani R, Rakhshan M, Zarifsanaiey N, Nemati R, Daneshi S. Comparison of the effectiveness of the electronic portfolio and online discussion forum methods in teaching professional belonging and ethical behaviors to nursing students: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Aug 15;22(1):618. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03677-0. PMID: 35965313; PMCID: PMC9376119. 
