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Performance of radiology trainees on a quiz after completion of orientation lecture series.

E Poster Presentation
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ePoster Presentation

4:00 pm

26 February 2024

Exhibition Hall (Poster 1)

Assessment in postgraduate and surgical training


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Presentation Description

Phua Hwee TANG1
1 KK Women's & Children's Hospital 

Orientation lecture series covering common on call conditions encountered was implemented for trainees rotating into the department during the first month of posting with quiz at the end. 

Summary of work
Trainees consisting of medical officers with minimal radiology experience and radiology residents from 2019 to 2023 completed the orientation lecture series and took the quiz (consisting of 10 cases with correct answers scored 1 point with maximum score being 10). 

87 trainees (7 medical officers, 80 residents- 21 in 2nd year of residency, 45 in 3rd year of residency, 13 in 4th year of residency, 1 in 5th year of residency) completed the quiz. 71 out of the residents scored at least 5 points giving a pass rate of 82% and overall average score was 6.3. 

The pass rate showed positive correlation with the years of residency with 5/7 (71%) of medical officers, 16/21 (76%) of 2nd year residents, 37/45 (82%) of 3rd year residents, 12/13 (92%) of 4th year residents and the sole 5th year resident scoring at least 5 points. 

Average scores were 5.1 (range from 1 to 8) for medical officers, 6.4 (range from 3 to 9) for 2nd year residents, 6.2 (range from 3 to 9) for 3rd year residents, 7.1 (range from 3 to 10) for 4th year residents and 8 for the 5th year resident. 

Better performance is seen with those with increased years of radiology training and this is in keeping literature showing relationship between studies interpreted in the first three years of residency and performance on the American Board of Radiology Core Examination. 

Performance of radiology trainees is positively correlated with years of radiology training. 

Take-home message 
Most trainees pass the quiz after completion of orientation lecture series indicating the orientation program is adequate for most trainees. 

References (maximum three) 

Nickerson JP, Koski C, Anderson JC, Beckett B, Jackson VP. Correlation Between Radiology ACGME Case Logs Values and ABR Core Exam Pass Rate. Acad Radiol. 2020 Feb;27(2):269- 273. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2019.10.004. Epub 2019 Nov 4. PMID: 31694780. 
