Presentation Description
Chiao-Hui Lin1
Tzu-Han Weng2
1 Department of Nursing/Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan
2 Yuzen Retirement Center
Tzu-Han Weng2
1 Department of Nursing/Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan
2 Yuzen Retirement Center
Utilizing traditional Taiwanese night market stalls, the following games will be incorporated into the curriculum on emergency medical techniques and intravenous catheter insertion skills:
1. Retro Pinball Machine: The retro pinball machine will be used to simulate the process of assessing and responding to emergency situations. Nurses will navigate through the game, making decisions and performing appropriate interventions based on the scenarios presented.
2. Fishing Game: The fishing game will be adapted to simulate the skill of intravenous catheter insertion. Nurses will use a fishing rod-like device to "catch" veins on a model arm, practicing the technique of locating and inserting an intravenous catheter.
3. Whack-a-Mole Game: The whack-a-mole game will be modified to enhance nurses' proficiency in venipuncture. Instead of moles, simulated veins will pop up, and nurses will use a tool to "poke" the veins in the correct manner, practicing the proper technique of venipuncture.
By incorporating these games into the curriculum in a lively and interactive manner, nurses can learn and enhance their skills in a joyful and stress-free environment. This approach aims to promote better retention of knowledge, internalization of skills, and improvement of any existing deficiencies.
After the implementation of the Taiwanese traditional night market game-based approach, the scores for nurses in emergency medical techniques and intravenous catheter insertion skills improved from 54.9 to 91.4. Moreover, the course satisfaction level, averaged at 4.8.
Utilizing traditional games to enhance in-service education or related courses for nurses proves to be effective in creating a sense of fun, interactivity, and receiving valuable feedback from learners. This approach ultimately leads to improved learning outcomes and cognitive development.
It is recommended that hospitals consider incorporating game-based approaches into their educational programs in order to enhance nurses' understanding of course content and promote the achievement of learning objectives.
References (maximum three)
Chang, C. Y., Chung, M. H., & Yang, J. C. (2022). Facilitating nursing students' skill training in distance education via online game-based learning with the watch-summarize-question approach during the COVID-19 pandemic: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse education today, 109, 105256.
Crevacore, C., Coventry, L., Duffield, C., & Jacob, E. (2022). Factors impacting delegation decision making by registered nurses to assistants in nursing in the acute care setting: A mixed method study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 136, 104366.